PR Newswire Asia Account Registration

Please enter your email address to start the registration process
Please enter a valid email.
There was a problem sending verification code to the provided email address. Please verify and click Submit again.

Please enter the 6-digit verification code sent to your mailbox. This code is valid for 30 minutes. If you did not receive the code, you may click "Resend code".

The code does not match. Please retry.

Please provide information about your business

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This field is required
This field is required
This field is required
This field is required
This field is required Please enter 4-20 characters, including digits, space or -*( ) symbols. If there is an extension number, please add * before it, e.g. 010-XXXXXXXX*1234. Please include Area Code, e.g. 010-XXXXXXXX,0512XXXXXXXX. If there is an extension number, please add "*" before it, e.g. 010-XXXXXXXX*1234,0755XXXXXXXX*4321.
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This field is required
This field is required

Choose the location where your business is registered and provide the Business Registration number for verification.
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This field is required
This field is required
You must upload a valid Business Registration copy as supporting document in PDF/JPG/PNG file formats or Add a weblink to the BR if its an online certificate to be able to continue.
  • {{}}
Error: Maximum file size of 5 MB has been exceeded
Error: This file type is not supported.
Error: The content upload failed. Please try again.

Please provide information about authorized senders and billing contact

Authorized Senders

Authorized Senders means individuals that Customer identifies in writing as being authorized to submit and issue Release Content on behalf of your company.

As part of PR Newswire Asia's editorial policy, every incoming news release must go through a source verification process. We must speak with a known client contact before transmitting ANY news release over PR Newswire Asia.

If the person (sender) submitting the release is not the usual contact or is not noted on the account, the release will be placed ON HOLD until we can confirm that the sender is working appropriately on behalf of your organization.

To this end, please identify all persons authorized to issue news releases on behalf of your organization below.

Clients are solely responsible for and must notify PR Newswire Asia immediately if someone should no longer be allowed to issue releases on behalf of the organization or if additional personnel is approved to do so.

Billing contact

Billing Contact is a person who receives emails for all billing-related events on the account.

*Note: There must be one billing contact.

 {{mc.userTitle}}* required fields
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This field is required Invalid characters in field
This field is required Invalid characters in field
Invalid characters in field
Invalid characters in field This field is required
Invalid characters in field
Please specify your business email. Please enter a valid email. Email already exists and cannot be added.
This field is required
This field is required Please enter 4-20 characters, including digits, space or -*( ) symbols. If there is an extension number, please add * before it, e.g. 010-XXXXXXXX*1234. Please include Area Code, e.g. 010-XXXXXXXX,0512XXXXXXXX. If there is an extension number, please add "*" before it, e.g. 010-XXXXXXXX*1234,0755XXXXXXXX*4321.
Please enter 4-20 characters, including digits, space or -*( ) symbols. If there is an extension number, please add * before it, e.g. 010-XXXXXXXX*1234. Please enter only 11 digits.
Sorry, unable to handle the request now due to system/network error. Please try again later.

Review and Submit

Account Info

Account Users

Sorry, unable to handle the request now due to system/network error. Please try again later.
*Note: There must be one billing contact.


For further assistance, please contact:
Phone: +852-2572 8228

Thank you for your application.

Your case reference number is and the application is currently being processed.

Please contact for queries.

Thank you for your application.

Your application was completed. Authorized Senders should have received Welcome Emails from the Customer Portal to activate their user logins.

Please contact for assistance, if needed.

For further assistance, please contact:
Phone: +852-2572 8228